Friday, February 15, 2013


On Valentine's Day I wanted to give each of my family members a sweet little gift. I found this Mini Heart Ombre Valentine's Cake recipe at
Well, I started making these cakes at about 3:30 p.m., on Valentine's Day and didn't finish until 1:00 a.m., after Valentine's Day.  Here's how my cakes turned out.
I finally had to lay it on it's side because as a tower, it keep wanted to topple.

If you have patience and love to cook, I would recommend this recipe.  I took out some steps to make it easier for me, but I don't love to cook and have little patience so though it may look like an accomplishment, I feel like I failed. is a great website for anyone that loves to cook, please check it out.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

So, here I am, welcoming you to my first, ever, blog.  Please forgive me if I seem to ramble, but I'm a bit uncomfortable with this type of forum.  So uncomfortable, that I was more than happy to take a big, fat zero.  So why did I start a blog, you ask.  Well, I'm taking an internet course and this was an assignment that a few close people had to talk me through, and my New Year's resolution was to put myself out in the world a bit more than the years past.

So now that my feelings are out of the way, I guess I should introduce myself.  My name is Sandy Evans and I've been married to my jr. high school sweetheart for 22 years,  I have three adult children and three dogs.  I love photography and both digital and paper scrapbooking.  I'm a homemaker right now; with the baby just turning 18, I am now looking for my place in this world.  I'm a student at Chaffey College where I only take online classes at this point; getting out into the world is hard.

Well, that's all for now (I think I already said too much). Until next time.